Sunday, August 24, 2008

My Class








Dive Instructor said...

Wow, Carmen really did a good job by writting such an interesting intro for us, I almost laugh till rolling on the floor!

I think we need a magnifying glass to examine the picture, it is just too small to look an any individual. The quality or rather density of the picture is so so only coz I don't have the FBI or CSI technology to enhance the photo, haha ....

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...



魔幻士 said...

Wow! Haven't visited the blog for a while and was just reading all those interesting comments, I have to say Carmen CAN Write!

Apparently, quite a few people in our graduating class are in US. I know 思远,鸿发, and 劳凤霞 (all from S3A science class) are still in US. Hopefully, this blog will help us all in finding each other.

carmen said...







Daddy said...

it was more than wonderful seeing boo keong kick off the blog for chung hua 83.

the science class did set up a yahoo group 10 years ago? but never make it 'public' and all only circulated within the group.

today happened to be my 'dull'& 'zombie' day after some rush work lasted till 3:00am earlier. and i think this blog, which come by 'accident' really freshing up my day...particularly those 2008 gathering photos, ....

nonetheless, will be pleased to forward this blog to the science group.

and by the way, is carmen ... (am still handicap with chinese software, but will pick up soooon.) 'chen swet ling' who was good in ping pong & some martial arts... and once got her hand hurt somehow?

agong c, i assume is 'chow fook chiang'???

and chong yong hwa!!!! you are back!!???!!, (hey, thanks for the blog, else, never know u r 'that near'), otherwise, my next trip to lawrence, kansas will end up no where.

looi kok bong

Dive Instructor said...

Wow, this 国邦 is ssurely a surprise here!! Bro, do you remember I met you at Singapore MRT once ? Then you gave me your biz card, but after that I have not seen you again.

Thank you for sticking up your comments and hope you can continue support and do some stories too. Please also help to circulate this to others. BTW all your guesses are correct, I leave it to them to reply you....

Anonymous said...

hi, everyone

Actually i always visited the blog and reading your interesting comments from first day Ivan told us the blog till now.

Bcause back to the few months every day rush work till midnight, so can't supported your to write something.

Now bit free and just relax from S'pore, maybe can try...

carmen said...

Hi, Kok Bong, nice to hear from you. How are you? You didn't attend the last June reunion right? I didn't meet you. You have a very good memory, can still remember that I took part in ping pong and martial arts and hurt my hand. Wow, can't believe. Thank you.

Hi, Pineapple, are you 黄丽筠? It's good to have some lady's voice here to say something different from the gentlemen. As I said, most of us are too busy too relax. Actually reading blogs and writing blogs can release our pressure. I hope that was not the first and the last time you wrote something here. Please write something else.

魔幻士 said...

Hey! man.... it is nice to "see" you again! :) Actually, I asked about you but was told you were really busy and in KL.
Lawrence, KS?? Just to show you how long have we been missing each other. I haven't been in Lawrence for hmm... probably since 1989 other than went back for a visit.
So how have you been???

AhLooi said...

hallo, Ivan, Carmen, Yong Hwa

I had accidentally used blog name ‘daddy’ for the last post, actually, that was my user name for my 4 years old son site, for keeping up a bit of his growing record and also amount of money spent on him…

Like Ivan & Yong Hwa said, it was ages seen we last meet… well, actually I did meet Ivan in Cheras Business Centre back in 2005 after the Singapore trip (at least 13-15 years??)

And Yong Hwa, since last chapter of some juicy story of yours ended somewhere in Lawrence, Kansas, am waiting for your second episode…  will drop by Seremban someday soon.

Yes Carmen, is nice to read your posting, and sometimes I compare blogging to shopping, while we shop, the intension is simple, we just look for stuff. for some, stuff we needed; for some, stuff we wanted; for some pure window shopping; yet , still just pure looking and searching, and in this process, we actually temporary diverted most of our pressurized routine life and that’s really relaxing & probably that’s why we like to shop… as for blog, it is also way to catch up with some good old pals,. By the way, Carmen, good memory on younger years’ event only happened to old folks…

As for me, am now married, sometimes in 200… 3 ,(no, that was the year I register), and I had the Chinese ceremony in 2004… (actually, I didn’t remember the actual date, confused amongst the date we have luncheon in kuala Lumpur, my hometown Titi, day of the Chinese ceremony…), and I think the underwater wedding in Trang, Thailand was sometimes in 2002… (I think.)

Have a boy, 4 years old now.

Still working as consulting engineer, and shifted office from Cheras to Shah Alam in 2007.

Physically, gained 32 pounds since 2004… and still growing… sideway…

Looi Kok Bong

魔幻士 said...

国邦, Dang! Here I was thinking you were a rap lover or a rapper now, hence the "daddy" name! :)
Just to update you on your beloved OU. OU is still pretty good at football but last season, the star in Big 12 is KU! :) [ Actually, OU is still better but the system somehow put KU in Orange bowl and of course KU won it.] In addition, KU is the 2008 NCAA basketball champion as well. Ha ha ... I have to rub it in a little since KU had been the bottom feeder in football for so long, those obnoxious OU fans and billy tubb! :)

Please look me up if you are in Seremban.

Anonymous said...

嗨 !各 位 兄 弟 姐 妹 ,
最 近 老 人 家 很 忙 ,写 了 几 篇 关 于 芙 中 的 评 论 ,引 发 风 波 ,董 事 部 恨 我 入 骨 .
唉 !讲 真 话 的 后 果 就 是 酱 的 咯 !

kok bong,
so glad n surprise to see u join our blog. n thanks to u, bcs still remember me after so many years..............

agong c

AhLooi said...

Well, Yong Hwa.

I gave up OU basketball as they are disappointing and as life is bad enough that I don’t want to be disappointed all the time. Since tis football season (August till December), will be following the winning team so that we can have more ‘prosperous and joyful’ time. Anyway, Been following the (only football) game since coming back here, been watching game on-line too (it was really on-line, as was reading play by play in sentences from net…) OU football has been good but not good enough to repeat their championship since 2002? Presently, we ranked second and hope KU will do well and make it more interesting to beat… he he he

As for basketball, had a good time in 1988, I remember KU-OU was in the final that year, I also remember OU beat KU in regular season, but somehow, could be someone had invested heavily in Las Vegas and ya know the results was upsetting… upset cos it didn’t turn out as it should be… and KU won the championship… (sour grape…)

Errr… by the way, Yong Hwa attended KU, Kok Bong attended OU. So we are enemy in some way… May be catch up to play some 3 on 3?

Fook Chiang, cos I remember u well, we were in the same class till form 1. but I remember you as someone so tame and gentle, and never guess I read the tough side of you thro’ news paper, he he… (particularly sometimes in 2002? 2003? and Paroi school matters?)

But, did see much of your news on paper nowadays??? Had u retired from politics?

By the way, Ivan, be going to Manado in end October. Wife arranged quite sometimes ago. R u still actively & still linked to planet scuba? Scuba planet? (the one in Bangsar?), may be can catch up some of your trip too. but make sure its cater for old folks without much stamina.

See ya

Kok Bong

carmen said...

AGONG, 你怎么这么不懂事,写了些什么,让董事部恨你入骨?我们这些在外州的欣赏不到,能不能在这公开,让我们有参与感?


AhLooi said...

he.. agong.. gossiping sure draw big big blog response... am waiting.

Anonymous said...


agong c

carmen said...

好马不吃回头草, 好草不怕回头吃.

虽说好马不吃回头草,但是很多时候是 " 好草不怕回头吃 " . 有时我们以为前方的草比较翠绿,谁知走近了才发现不是这么一回事.做事总要能屈能伸,挫折或许让人走得更远.

AhLooi said...

so, is agong accpeting the invitation to join, since the presedent is leaving...

Anonymous said...

老 友 们 ,
今 天 听 到 一 件 事 ,很 有 趣 .
林 佳 作 之 后 是 骆 静 山 接 任 校 长,后 来 骆 静 山 因 为 一 些 事 愤 然 抛 下 名 言 :独 中 校 长 不 是 人 做 的 !
从 此 ,芙 中 校 长 位 就 像 被 下 了 魔 咒 ,之 后 每 一 任 校 长 都 不 能 做 超 过 三 年 ,现 在 骆 静 山去 世 了 ,魔 咒 会 不 会 解 除 ?

Anonymous said...
芙 中 招 生 ,朋 友 们 ,欢 迎 把 孩 子 送 来 母 校 !!!
芙 中 欢 迎 你 !!!

AhLooi said...

So to speak, our school needs a non-human or just a human-form whatsoever to run. School management will never end at students’ academy level; especially for ‘independent’ school; making sure teachers are doing there jobs correctly may not making the teachers happy. Making sure the curriculum is up to standards of teaching may later realize the students are ‘cooked’ to become living dead. Their duties also needed them to make sure the students are learning and like being at their school, but end up cursing them more than anything else cos we are following the Confucius style of moral value (remember our hair cut had to be 3 fingers above our ear???) They need to keep lines of communication open with the parents, but end up unprepared, and kaputed particularly facing people like agong. Worst, the typical Chinese kiasu attitude & ‘principal’ forced them to keep up on what is going on at other schools around them so they can stay on top of ‘educational needs’ and ‘preferences’, and always, we need to be at least a level higher that others, but hardly did we access our capability and basic hindrances. So, that make them need to get together with staff regularly to see if any new ideas or suggestions can be used at the school to improve it for the students learning process, unfortunately, I dare assumed that ideas are still ideas only. Let alone the main focus to develop and maintain effective educational programs within the school and to promote the improvement of teaching and learning with the school. Seriously, do we think our principal can really strive to create an organization and or climate which fosters student and teacher growth within the miserable 3 years, so to speak and in according to agong, they all under principal lok(?) 3 years curse.
Then again, may be agong can sheer some light, as an ‘independent’ school, (totally and absolutely can not compare with ‘private’ school, even kindergarten in KL is charging RM 600 to RM 800 per month… and that’s 6 to 8k per annum; mind you, school start 8:30am and end 11:30am or latest 12:30pm), I believe, our principal? Or school board, some how will be accountable for how public money is spent.
And an annual financial report will be part of the duties? If this is principal duties, --- die standing. Agong will agree as he had highlighted during the parent-school exchange meeting that such reports shall show how the school is funded and from which sources. In the lack of accountability, i.e., in the absent of complete picture / annual report to the community, that agenda, nobody know, except the board, in lack of clarifying future directions. No answer on reserves and accumulated savings for this and that, then, as agong said proposals, reports and strategic plans presented by don’t-know-who had been set out by also don’t-know-who, that’s probably is hard to provides reassurance for the school community and giving that the school may not be well- managed and that the financial resources also may not be well used. That, we do not expect our principal to last longlah.

kok bong

Dive Instructor said...

Kok Bong,
Its great to hear that you are still doing some dives to Manado (nice place, I may even go back once more), not many ppl can keep it up long. I am going to Komodo Island end of this month, a live-a-board 4 days trip.

The Planat Scuba restaurant is no longer exist but the dive shop still around to do some small business. The owner passed away so his wife is sort of keeping it for memory, they are quite rich.

Give me your email address so that I can link you up in our future diving activities, my group is quite big now.

榮華, please give me your email contact also as I still ow you some info about the wine course I am doing.

Folks, at this moment our blog at least have a few more contributors as compare to earlier, I am already glad about that. See, you guys do not need to wait for me to create new thread because this blog belongs to everyone; what you need to do is email me your story if you want it to be in a new topic to talk about, I can than put it up for you, how about that?

Dive Instructor said...

I wonder where is Dave, 顶林 and 仕钰 ? They appeared in our very first thread but after that never write something, are you fellows still reading our blog?

And there was someone talked about Gan Hua's husband, have not identify him/herself yet....

Dive Instructor said...

Folks, I have added new gadgets in our site, scrool down to the bottom, you can add in as a 'followers' and put up your picture if you wish.

I have also added a new photo, but this I have to change it off and on, it does not have the feature to add in more, nevermind, good start lio.

Finally I also changed the overall look, I will have to do it once in a while, keep it fresh ma !

Anonymous said...

芙 中 新 任 董 事 长 是 张 贤 柄 ,副 董 事 长卢 运 来 ,李 兆 祥 ,作 总 务 无吴 立 沧 ,。 ........

魔幻士 said...

Man.... it must be nice for you to have time to do all those diving trips! :)
Are there different grades of diving instructor, kind of like black belt, white belt thing?

Oh! Here is my e-mail:

AhLooi said...

crop from china press

董事長 :張賢炳
總務 :吳立滄 副總務 :吳少華
文書 :黃文妮 副文書 :李偉源
財政 :林成偉 副財政 :林金聲
聯絡 :黃錦榮
董事 :李妙順、劉國偉、劉志文、蘇祈城、陳元隆、林文強、周慶敏、陳維達、廖觀書、張志開。

AhLooi said...

武强, (copy & pasted yr name from the header)

my wife dive since college time in 92. so i had been tagging along like batman-robin thing after we meet in 98/99, then, our son ‘came along’ in 2004, so, it is no longer mobile for us, hence, nowadays, we both are no longer active in diving, and, ‘dumping’ my son this round is quite a luxurious things to do. He he he. Nonetheless, my address

kok bong

P.S.TAN said...

Hi武强and alls :25年离开芙中,我是其中3位没有冲出Seremban的S3A同学,现在我的孩子也在母校求学,大的高一,二女初二,我也和agong c 一样,欢迎各位把孩子送来母校求学.

P.S.TAN said...

Advertisement: Harry Chow Kim Hua just open a new restaurant at No 4-6, Tmn Sri Batu Caves , Batu Caves. (03-61854605),so friend from nerby can go and visit , give him a support , i will visit his shop this sunday ,u wanna to join me ????? ha ha

Dive Instructor said...

Good to hear some news from PS, glad that you are still with our blog, try to write more in the future.

Yes, I am going to send my elder son to our school next year, and my 2nd son few years later, let them stay in the hostel.

I cannot join you to visit Kim Hua's restaurant coz I am travelling oversea, perhaps some other time if you happen to go again, I will love to join.

P.S.TAN said...

Hi Ivan and alls : Next Wednesday i olso go oversea , But myself haha is over South China Sea to Sandakan , Sabah with my wife to have a short 3days2nights vacation trip after my busy Hari Raya Sales campaign.
Is Ah Bok stay in Sandakan ? it is nice if we have friend at staying place we visit.
See you and all the best.
From Poh Seng.

Dive Instructor said...

ah Pok is in KK, he has been there over 10 years. Sandakan is a nice town to visit, make sure you go to the hill for a dinner to look at the night view of the town plus the sea, its beutiful. That is why they called Sandakan 小香港。

If you like island and beaches, do a day trip to Lankayan Island, its only about 45mins boat ride, the kind of white sands beach is not able to see it in our west Malaysia anymore, not even the islands at each coast.

Anonymous said...

agong become famous in this week,
did anyone see my handsome photo in the newspaper?
i am so sad, my boss in the parti gerakan dr. vijaya was dead bcs the accident falling down from the building. he was really a good and friendly man.
why nobody leave any comments in our blog last 4 weeks? come on lah, my friends, dont let this blog become "chap lap"!

------agong c

Dive Instructor said...

Ah Gong, I think our site have these many ppl looking at it mena these many ppl, no more no less. But I will still try to post something new hopefully soon, I am quite busy now moving office and travelling.

carmen said...

各位同学,久违了. 这几个月因工作关系, 忙得天昏地暗, 天旋地转, 天翻地覆. 现在总算松了一口气. 虽然忙, 还是有进来瞧瞧, 怎么没什么进展, 是不是大家和我一样忙呢?

2008年还剩下半个月,日子快得惊人,总是让人措手不及. 趁还有十多天, 要拼业绩的记得加把劲, 捉住2008的尾巴, 更上一层楼; 至于要休息的朋友, 记得要努力的玩, 养精蓄锐, 为没什么希望的明天做打算.

明天我就要出国度假去了. 想想忙了一整年, 一定要狠狠的吃喝玩乐一番,把钱花光,为国争光,回来再重新出发,做牛做马.


Dive Instructor said...


今年的忙有点惊心, 明年的忙会有点担心。但忙碌归忙碌,希望你们可别忘了孩子,家人和朋友啊!

孤 舟 老 亨 said...

> 70歲搓搓麻將;80歲曬曬太陽;90歲躺在床上;100歲掛在牆上...生的偉大,死得淒
> 這周是世界好友周,如果你願意,請把這條信息發給你所有的好朋友,也包括我。看
> 當大部分人都在關注你飛得高不高時,只有少部分人關心你飛得累不累--這就是友
> 朋友雖不常聯系卻一直惦念!世界好友周快樂!
> 08新概念 ~一個中心:一切以健康為中心。
> 兩個基本點:遇事瀟灑一點,看事糊涂一點。
> 三個忘記:忘記年齡,忘記過去,忘記恩怨。
> 四個擁有:無論你有多弱或多強,一定要擁有真正愛你的人,擁有知心朋友,擁有向
> 五個要:要唱,要跳,要俏,要笑,要苗條。
> 六個不能:不能餓了纔吃,不能渴了纔喝,不能困了纔睡,不能累了纔歇,不能病了

AhLooi said...

Suppose to be in Manado in October but the trip was forced to cancelled as I was involved in a car accident while on way to air port; not much damages on my side, but the motorist who ramped head onto my side was badly injured.

Nonetheless, as the year of rat (?) is ending soon, wish everybody have a great new year.

carmen said...

国邦, 你还好吧?!

孤 舟 老 亨 said...

happy hari raya haji
happy dong zhi
happy x-mas
happy awal muhalam
happy new year
and .......
happy chinese new year

to all of my friends !!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi All
Nice to 're-visit' this blog after such a long long time -- saw a lots of new comments, some 'new' and 'old' faces, Pineapple, Kok Bong, Yong Hwa... Agong C, Ivan, Carmen....

Year 2008 is coming to the end, I wish you a fantastic new year ahead!! Happy New Year!!


AhLooi said...

hi Carmen

Am still in one piece, I was not hurt (physically) in the said accident. It was quite an experience to see someone coming right in front and there and then you still have a chance to make a choice. Even within such a short period and short distance, there was a struggler in choosing between conscious and mind projection. The consciousness had clearly presented a picture whereby, by turning my car to the opposite lane would have avoided the accident, but on the other hand, the analytical mind came up with another version, where it said ‘hey, if you turn right to the opposite side, what if this guy manage to ‘swing’ back to his own lane and collision will still happen and you will be at fault, legal wise.’ so, I had chosen to stay put in my own lane and step on the emergency break… so, the story end with an ‘accident’ that actually happened.

But, I still see this as a happening / action only as there, actually has no ‘accident’ in actual sense, but is a decision that I (or the other guy) had made / chosen. But when I can not explain it, I thus call it accident, but the truth is, I had chosen to stay put to avoid a possible legal situation, but, there may be another ethical issue to deal with….

Happy New Year

p/s Seems this ‘My Class’ blog is getting very very ‘long’… will it be nice to start up another under 2009 ?

hallo Sehyuh, are you coming back this year?

Anonymous said...

Hi Kok Bong

Glad that you are okay in the accident. In fact, don't feel guilty about not turning your car to the opposite lane -- sometimes I think it may be dangerous to do so because you can't foresee what's on the opposite lane and it may cause something more serious to happen! On the other hand, you also can't foresee if the motorist will manage to swing back to his own lane... accident is still an accident, no one can foresee what is going to happen and the consequences. The instant response at that point will either reduce or increase the impact of the incident, God knows!

Let's all the bad luck be gone with 2008 and start a new capter for 2009! God bless!!

Yes, I will try to visit this blog more often. End of last year is quite a busy period for me, in office and at home. Hopefully everything can settle down by CNY.

Happy New Year!


Anonymous said...

春 到 人 间 万 象 新 ,
收 账 收 到 脸 发 青 ,
新 年 未 至 快 出 清 ,
雄 心 依 旧 不 灰 心 .

恭 贺 大 家

新 年 进 步
身 体 健 康

agong c

Anonymous said...

Poh Seng 19Feb2009 到此一游.好久没人上来这里了????大家很忙吗??

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Dragon Dynasty 龙乡,47G,Jln Kuchai Maju1,Off Jln Kuchai Lama,KL. 就在Jln Kuchai Lama KFC的对面,味道好,远近驰名,各位住在附近的朋友记得要去捧埸哦.我去试了,特地来打下广告,大家有好料吃也要来报告一下哦.

Dive Instructor said...

Good, at least is nearby my area, will sure try it out soon.

Anonymous said...

Hi Ivan,
Call Kok Beng before you visit ,MD is not every day go to his company,哈哈.Tel:0122285630.

Anonymous said...


有Facebook户口的,也请加入Facebook的 Chung Hua High School, Seremban, Malaysia ,


Dive Instructor said...

Very well ! I am surprise to see you here, I will make sure the link is inside our page! Again, good to hear from you, please send my regards to your parents.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...
